Wild Spark's AI Usage Policy

I know y'all are wondering, 'Does this bish use AI or what? Am I paying for some carbon-copy shit off the Internet?'. 

I get it; I would be, too. So, to keep shit real with you, here's my ethical and transparent AI usage policy laid out for you to read. Enjoy.

Why I Don't Use AI Tools to Write Your Copy

I believe in creating authentic, human-centred copy that builds trust with your audience. And, while AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, etc., can be helpful for research purposes, I don't use them to generate final client deliverables.

All fancy marketing jargon aside, I'm a storyteller at heart - and stories that truly resonate with an audience come from a place of deep empathy, emotion, and shared experience. (You know, all the good human-y stuff.)

AI tools may be able to mimic human language patterns (well, they try), but they lack the creativity, strategic thinking, and intuition that comes from working directly with people.

The copy I create is infused with my signature approach to brand voice, something no AI tool can replicate. I take pride (lots, actually) in crafting messaging that's uniquely tailored to each client through an in-depth discovery process. 

My creative process is highly collaborative and strategic-AF. I want you to feel seen, heard and understood every step of the way, which means a lot of one-on-one communication. And as cool as it is, AI simply can't capture the nuances that make your brand *your brand* like I do.

How I Use AI Responsibly

I'mma be honest with you: I recognise that AI tools are super useful for research purposes. As part of my discovery phase, I may utilise them to analyse industry trends, your competitors' messaging, case studies, SEO word generation, and other large data sets. 

As a one-woman show who does not hire other copywriters to do her research or client work, using AI in the initial brainstorming phase can provide helpful context as I develop your brand strategy concept. I also love to ask questions and get feedback on what I've created to make sure I’m hitting the criteria.

However, I will never present purely AI-generated content as my own creative work. My client deliverables will always represent original human ideation, strategic thinking, and writing expertise.

Bottom line? Nothing can replace human creativity and emotional intelligence when it comes to compelling copy

At the end of the day, I write copy to connect people, not algorithms - that's my brand of vodka. And you can be sure it's me, not some AI program, crafting your words.