Shanny wearing a white, button-up shirt and jeans, sitting in front of a brown leather couch and laughing

G’day, I’m Shan.

Ex-English teacher. Copywriter. Craft beer enthusiast. Collector of tattoos + sneakers + questionable life choices. Person in charge of (*gestures vaguely*) all this.

Welcome, Amigo.

Straight up? You’re here because there are

3 big things buggin’ you, matey.

Big Thing #1

Humans (God bless ‘em) are judgy-wudgy fuckers. (Sorry to be blunt, but it’s true.) It takes just 0.05 seconds for people to form an opinion about your brand from the moment they lay eyes on the screen/shelf/box/ whatever - and those savvy peeps ain’t going to buy your stuff if they’re bored-AF by what you’re saying and how you say it.

Big Thing #2

You know that people do the buying, not robots. Air-breathing, heart-beating, problem-solving, deeply-feeling (sometimes-pizza-eating) humans. Ev-er-ry-day people who wanna be wooed by the brands they invite into their lives - and wallets - and you’re keen-AF to connect with them on a deeply + effortlessly authentic level.

Big Thing #3

You’ve got all the pieces of your brand floating in your head, but nothin’ nailed down. You know your business is destined to grow into an iconic brand that goes the distance. Problem is, you’ve been so busy bootstrappin’ the whole thing that you forgot to lay down a clearly-defined map of all the rad stuff that makes your brand *your brand*.

TL;DR: You’re not here to fuck around and find out. You want an actionable, functional plan that teaches you + your team how to effortlessly and authentically walk your walk *and* talk your talk.

And, that’s where I ninja-roll in…

After over 15 years in the writing game and a decade in the classroom, I’ve learnt a helluva’ lot about language: how people understand it, interpret it, respond to it - and how to play with it.

Lemme’ break it down for you:

What I do: Create wildly imaginative and functional-AF brand personality & messaging strategy that also teaches you how to communicate confidently, effortlessly, and independently with your audience.

How I do it: By explicitly guiding you through my signature process of developing your brand personality and finding your voice. (Spoiler: It’s actually a lotta’ fun.)

Why I do it: Simple - because I believe that language should never(ever-ever) be a barrier to success. Period.

I may also: Empower you to unapologetically flaunt your personality with pride, take risks with language, disrupt the messaging status quo, follow your curiosity, make bank, and give *normal* the middle finger.

What I definitely don’t do: Leave you with piles of files (#I’mAPoet) that look slick but mean sweet fuckery because you don’t know what to, like, *do* with them once we’re finished jamming together.

My promise to you?

A customer-centric experience that puts your brand first, where it belongs.

No boring teacher bullshit. No wanky marketing jargon.

Just refreshingly original, brag-worthy messaging that inspires you to say cool things about the rad shit you’re doing in the world.

Shanny sitting on a brown leather sofa with her legs crossed and her hands pressed together, smiling at the camera


Never worked with a Messaging Strategist before and don’t know what to expect? No wukkas, I gotchu…

Keep (sh)it real

I don’t mince words, nor will I bore you with wanky buzzwords or fancy-schmancy jargon. (Although, I know my ass from my assonance if you’re into that stuff.) I’ll always keep it honest, authentic, and real-AF with you. Straight-talking and plain-speaking. Period.

Compelled to deliver

Quick 'n' dirty hack jobs ain't my style. The small things do matter, and nuance is everything. Paying (hyper)attention to the tiniest details is just how I roll. Going above and beyond for you isn't an exception - it's the standard.  

You are who you hang with

You’ll never find me blowing smoke up your ass - or anyone else’s, for that matter - just to make something sound better than it is. Likewise, you won't find me working with anyone who doesn’t put integrity before income. Simple.

Difference is a teacher

What makes us diverse is what makes us interesting. Engaging. Deeply human. And frankly? I’m SO here for it. I welcome people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, languages, and neurodiversity. I strive to create inclusive, supportive, sensory-friendly spaces that uplift and inspire humans from all walks (or wheels) of life.

Humans first, always

Whoever said, 'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me,' was full of crap. Words. Are. Powerful. Compassion, character, and empathy are the basis of human-centred communication. Appealing to an algorithm isn’t. Honouring you and your community will always be my priority.

Stick ya ‘normal’ up your clacker

Choosing to buck tradition, challenge the status quo, and give *normal* the middle finger isn’t a marketing tactic – it’s an intentional act of self-acceptance. Everybody is weird to somebody, so l show up as myself to help others be themselves. (And that includes you.)



Behind the Screen

Every writer has a good backstory.
This is mine.

And before we hook up (creatively-speaking), you should probably know a few extra things about me:

✱ ‘Hold my beer’ is pretty much my starting point for everything in life.

✱ For all my psych nerds out there, I'm an ENFJ-T Protagonist personality, classic Innovator creative type, and a Rebel/Sage archetype mix with a hefty dose of Entertainer ~vibes~ thrown in for the LOLs.

✱ Turns out my penchant for words and deep empathy comes from being Autistic. I wasn’t diagnosed with the ‘Tism until I was 39, which means it only took 39 years for us to figure out why I am the way I am. I’m okay with it - and I hope you will be too. (And if not? Then we’re not the right fit, mate.)

✱ My not-so-secret flex is kicking ass at Cards Against Humanity.

✱ When I’m not writing, you can find me reading, travelling, diving, and navigating the world of parenting/childrening with my husbo, Dan, and our rad little Autistic dude, Reef.

✱ I really did set my face on fire in a bar in Austria back in ‘12. (Feel free to ask me about it.)

Shanny Fitzgerald Laughing in a loose white shirt, black ripped jeans and black felt hat

But enough about me. Let’s bring some Big Dic(tion) Energy to your brand.

Wild Spark's Brand Logo which is a Red stylized 'W' and star symbol on black background.
What's your Brand Spark?

Take the quiz to suss out your ultimate brand personality superpower to charm more customers with your words